电影简介: 宝片视频APPSteven Parnell, who was accused of murdering a number young girls the previous summer, is killed while in prison awaiting trial. Morse had not been involved in the case as he was on leave during most of that investigation. What piques Morse's interest is that one of the victims, Karen Anderson, was never found and it is assumed that her body was dumped in a nearby lake but Parnell confessed to his priest on his deathbed that he wasn't responsible for that particular murder. When one of the witnesses in the case, George Daly, is murdered, Morse and Lewis try to find some connection to Anderson's disappearance. They also wonder why Anderson's camera - she was an avid photographer - wasn't found. What they come across is a group of middle-aged men whose hobby is taking so-called glamour photos.
主演:帕尔·斯维尔·哈根,伊内·玛丽·维尔曼,波利斯·席克,Peiman Azizpour,Darren Bransford,格里高兹·达米茨基,彼得·戈萨沃斯基,哈尔瓦德·霍尔门,Maria Mena,塔利亚·桑德维克·莫尔,菲利普·莫吉尼茨基,Krzysztof Piatkowski,Pawel Prokopczuk,Iren Reppen,泰耶·斯特罗姆德尔,莫妮卡·奎特科夫斯卡,Wojciech Dolatowski,克雷格·贝恩娜,Sonia Roszczuk,Henrik Schyffert,Mar
主演:城田真昼:寺岛拓笃,小黑:梶裕贵,有栖院御园:下野纮,Snow Lily:堀江一真,有栖院御国:柿原彻也,JEJE:津田健次郎,利希特·杰基尔兰德·轰:岛崎信长,Lawless:木村良平,千驮谷铁:小野友树,休·泽·达克·阿尔加诺三世:村濑步